Bodywork - Hood

The hood on my truck was in great shape, no rot, the pieces were all there, and the hinges worked well without binding. The body work amounted to hammer and dolly work on two sections.

If someone tries to close the hood on a Power Wagon without first releasing the hood catch the hood binds and makes a crease along the rivets that support the catch. I had one of those that I hammered out. The only other problem was two fist sized dents along the curved part of the hood. Again hammer and dolly, a little plastic body filler, and it was ready for priming.

I slid the two halves of the hood into each other to try the center hinge before painting. It was binding so I straightened the hinge until it worked better without binding. Then it was primed and painted.

Putting the hood back on the truck was a little tricky. Luckily I had an extra pair of hands, Dennis Sherman, to help out. I put the hood hinge bracket on the radiator shell with the shim on the underside of the shell, and then screwed it together finger tight. Then we slid the two halves of the hood together and lifted them on to the truck. Then it was just a matter of getting the radiator, the support rods, and the hood aligned, so it all fit together reasonably well. After some hit or miss adjusting it looks good. I should mention that I put new hood welting along the cowl and radiator shell, using stainless steel oval head screws, gives it a nice look. (picture in the next roll of film)

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