
1968 wm300 power wagon

1968 WM300 Dodge POWER WAGON

I began working on the Power Wagon in the spring of 1995. The truck was purchased knowing that the original frame was rusted beyond repair, and came with an excellent spare frame. The body was in good condition, complete with all the parts, and was running.

So, the first step was to remove everything from the original frame. I carefully photographed, marked, and packaged the parts as they were removed from the truck. The truck's nuts and bolts, which were rusted from years of use as a highway department truck in Tewksbury, MA were removed with a Makita electric impact wrench, PB Blaster rust solvent, and heat from a torch.

First the rear fenders, then the pickup bed sides, the wooden floor, front fenders, hood, windshield frame, and doors.

Then came the PTO shaft and the Braden MU-2 winch. The radiator shell came next, along with the radiator. I removed the wiring harness, took out the floor, and transmission cover, unbolted the steering column, and removed the cab.

The gas tank, transfer case, transmission, and then the 251 cu. in. flat head six came out last. The front axle and springs were unbolted and removed from the frame. The rear spring shackle pins were rusted in place, so I cut them away from the frame with a Sawzall using Lenox blades, and then cut up the rest of the frame.


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