
Brakes are the number one service concern of Power Wagon owners, I'm no exception. The brakes on the WDX - WM300 Power Wagon are referred to as a double piston brake, meaning that the brake assembly has a single wheel cylinder at the top, and that the cylinder has two pistons. The brakes on my truck were not working, and further inspection of the lines and hoses revealed at least part of the problem. The master cylinder in this truck (Dual master in 1967-68) was also bad. I decided to use new steel 1/4" lines, new hoses, new wheel cylinders, and new shoes. The drums, which were in good shape, were turned downed just enough to clean the surface. Seals and gaskets were replaced and bearings were all repacked.

A 25 foot coil of brake line, flaring tool. tubing bender, and cutter were needed to make up the new brake lines. These were all connected to the flexible lines, wheel cylinders, and master cylinder. The shoes were installed, drums and wheels put back on, and lines were bled. Then the brakes were adjusted.


dual master

Master cylinder and new brake lines.

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