Tips for choosing a Cummins Diesel engine for transplant

There are many different output HP's and Torques. It all depends on the CPL Number (CPL) Control Parts List. CPL is a Cummins number that describes the engine.

The Cummins we deal with are B Series, both 4B (4 cyl) and 6B (6 cyl) even the new Cummins in Dodge Pickups are B series engines.

Here is the basic Model Decoder:

I use all 4BTA (CPL) 857 engines. CPL 857 engines have a JWAC (Jacket Water Aftercooler). This provides 120 hp, and 302 foot pounds of torque.  The CPL 857 also fits nicely in a Power Wagon.

To identify the engine and its application:  If it was/is a industrial (Heavy Equipment), or Stationary (pump/generator),  its no good for automotive applications.  It would be to costly to convert to automotive application.

On the timing gear cover, front left side of the engine is the  Cummins Data Plate.  We need the following information off the data plate;

If the data plate on the engine is missing, DON'T BUY THE ENGINE.  No Data plate, no serial number, there is no way to identify the engine.  Its an unknown B3.9 Cummins.  If there is no data plate on the Injection pump, again we don't know what we are dealing with.  A picture will also help in ID'ing what we are dealing with.

With the recon number, a simple call to Cummins 1-800-diesels can establish if it is truly a current Cummins Recon, and the date it was recon'ed.  A true Cummins recon is as good as a new engine.  Cummins totally replaces any part not in spec and gives a nice long guarantee.  Now, if some other company rebuilt it, all bets are off.

I would be happy to help anyone wanting to do a Diesel Conversion on a PW/M37 or WC.  Please email me through the forum.  We can set up a time for a long phone call.

Thank you to Paul Mierop (Paul in NY)

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